14 Paleo Dessert Recipes for Your Sweet Tooth - Ambitious Kitchen (2024)

Happy weekend, and round up Sunday! I’m writing you from Colorado where we just had our first-ever, in-person Healthy Glow Co. retreat. I got to spend the weekend with the HGC team and 14 amazing members that make our collective possible. Feeling inspired, refreshed, and SO excited about the community we’ve built. I’ll be sure to share more details of our trip soon, but first let’s talk about these incredible paleo dessert recipes that I rounded up for you guys!

Whether you follow a paleo diet or not, these recipes are the perfect bites of indulgence for your sweet tooth. I included a mix of cookies, muffins and bars packed with better-for-you ingredients (and plenty of dark chocolate) that you can look forward to after a long day. Why? Because I think you should treat yo’ self every day – however that may be. For me it’s usually something topped with my favorite nut butter and/or a drizzle of chocolate, and for you it might be a fluffy slice of banana bread. Take a scroll, pick your favorite, and treat yourself to something delicious today!

14 Paleo Dessert Recipes for Your Sweet Tooth - Ambitious Kitchen (1)

1. The Best Paleo Chocolate Chunk Cookies

14 Paleo Dessert Recipes for Your Sweet Tooth - Ambitious Kitchen (2)

2. Paleo Zucchini Banana Bread Bars

14 Paleo Dessert Recipes for Your Sweet Tooth - Ambitious Kitchen (3)

3. Flourless Double Chocolate Hazelnut Cookies with Sea Salt

14 Paleo Dessert Recipes for Your Sweet Tooth - Ambitious Kitchen (4)

4. Paleo No Bake Cookie Dough Truffles

14 Paleo Dessert Recipes for Your Sweet Tooth - Ambitious Kitchen (5)

5. Superfood Chocolate Chunk Paleo Coconut Flour Brownies

14 Paleo Dessert Recipes for Your Sweet Tooth - Ambitious Kitchen (6)

6. Paleo Ginger Molasses Cookies

14 Paleo Dessert Recipes for Your Sweet Tooth - Ambitious Kitchen (7)

7. Chocolate Chip Coconut Flour Banana Bread

14 Paleo Dessert Recipes for Your Sweet Tooth - Ambitious Kitchen (8)

8. Small Batch Paleo Almond Flour Brownies

14 Paleo Dessert Recipes for Your Sweet Tooth - Ambitious Kitchen (9)

9. Flourless Paleo Chocolate Almond Butter Cookies

14 Paleo Dessert Recipes for Your Sweet Tooth - Ambitious Kitchen (10)

10. One-Bowl Fudgy Pumpkin Paleo Brownies

14 Paleo Dessert Recipes for Your Sweet Tooth - Ambitious Kitchen (11)

11. Paleo Coconut Flour Chocolate Chip Cookies

14 Paleo Dessert Recipes for Your Sweet Tooth - Ambitious Kitchen (12)

12. Paleo Banana Zucchini Muffins

14 Paleo Dessert Recipes for Your Sweet Tooth - Ambitious Kitchen (13)

13. Double Chocolate Paleo Banana Bread

14 Paleo Dessert Recipes for Your Sweet Tooth - Ambitious Kitchen (14)

14. Flax Almond Meal Banana Muffins with Dark Chocolate

Alright, I think it’s time to bake up a sweet treat! If you make one of these paleo dessert recipes, be sure to snap at pic and tag @AmbitiousKitchen so that I can see your creation. Enjoy xo!

14 Paleo Dessert Recipes for Your Sweet Tooth - Ambitious Kitchen (2024)
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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.