Gregory Curtis | Physicians Near You in MA (2024)

Luna is outpatient physical therapy delivered to you at home, at no additional cost.

Gregory Curtis | Physicians Near You in MA (1)

Dr. Gregory Curtis


Internal Medicine

boston, MA

About Gregory Curtis

In Boston, MA, the medical community places great importance on physical therapy as a means to promote patients' well-being and support their recovery. Dr. Gregory Curtis, an accomplished practitioner with 18 years of experience, consistently advises patients to pursue physical therapy as a vital part of their treatment plans. Through their close collaboration with skilled physical therapists, Dr. Curtis ensures that patients receive personalized exercises, manual techniques, and tailored rehabilitation programs designed for their specific needs. This holistic approach championed by Dr. Gregory Curtis yields significant improvements in patients' physical function and overall quality of life.

Dr. Gregory Curtis's practice is known for providing comprehensive healthcare services that prioritize individualized care. They offer a broad spectrum of medical services, including preventive care, accurate diagnoses, and effective treatments for a wide range of health conditions. Dr. Curtis is committed to actively listening to patients, conducting thorough evaluations, and collaboratively developing tailored treatment plans. By staying updated with the latest medical advancements, they blend their expertise with a compassionate approach to ensure optimal health outcomes while fostering overall well-being.

Massachusetts Insurances Accepted By Luna

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Frequently asked questions

How do I choose the right doctor?

Choosing the best doctor can be done in various ways. Referrals from healthcare specialists such as physical therapists or nurses can be advantageous. When considering surgery, attempt to find a surgeon who completes at least 50 of the intended surgeries per year, as complication rates generally decrease.

What kinds of doctors are featured in this directory?

Luna's Physician Directory only showcases top-quality physicians who are dedicated to improving long-term health. Find out more about Luna's mission and vision today.

If a doctor refers me to physical therapy, where should I go?

Luna offers physical therapy directly to your home, saving you time and hassle. No prescription is required.

Need physical therapy? Book an at-home appointment.

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Trusted by doctors

1,500+ physicians refer patients to Luna today.

“Luna represents everything physicians like to hear: experienced therapists, no wait times, and convenient in home care. Better accessibility is critical for patients’ outcomes and Luna is a breakthrough in the physical therapy options for busy patients.”

- Dr. Jeff Croke
Internal Medical Group, Palo Alto

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Conditions Luna therapists treat

We have specialists for every PT condition

Post-Surgical Rehabilitation rotator cuff repairs
Post-Surgical Rehabilitation arthroscopic procedures
Focused Training return to gym
Post-Surgical Rehabilitation meniscal repairs
And more
Post-Surgical Rehabilitation rotator cuff repairs
Post-Surgical Rehabilitation arthroscopic procedures
Focused Training return to gym
Post-Surgical Rehabilitation meniscal repairs
And more

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Why in-home PT is better

More convenience means our patients actually complete their care plans.
See our clinic comparison chart.

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1:1 personalized treatments

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Equipment comes to you

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Convenient care

Your PT will bring a treatment table and a mobile kit. 90% of cases don't need heavy machines.

Skip the clinic with no added fees. Covered by insurance and safely delivered to you on your schedule.

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1:1 personalized treatments

45-55 minutes of in-person care means faster recovery in fewer treatments.

Gregory Curtis | Physicians Near You in MA (19)

Equipment comes to you

Your PT will bring a treatment table and a mobile kit. 90% of cases don't need heavy machines.

Gregory Curtis | Physicians Near You in MA (20)

Convenient care

Skip the clinic with no added fees. Covered by insurance and safely delivered to you on your schedule.

Gregory Curtis | Physicians Near You in MA (21)

1:1 personalized treatments

45-55 minutes of in-person care means faster recovery in fewer treatments.

Gregory Curtis | Physicians Near You in MA (22)

Equipment comes to you

Your PT will bring a treatment table and a mobile kit. 90% of cases don't need heavy machines.

Gregory Curtis | Physicians Near You in MA (23)

Convenient care

Skip the clinic with no added fees. Covered by insurance and safely delivered to you on your schedule.

Gregory Curtis | Physicians Near You in MA (24) Gregory Curtis | Physicians Near You in MA (25)

Call/Text 866-806-3599 Call/Text 866-806-3599 or Check Availability

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Where we serve

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See our full service area list

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We accept all major insurances and Medicare. Luna is covered by:

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Gregory Curtis | Physicians Near You in MA (39)

Call/Text 866-806-3599 Call/Text 866-806-3599 or Check Availability

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Gregory Curtis | Physicians Near You in MA (41)

Commercial insurance / Self-pay rules

Direct Access rules allow patients to be seen without a prescription. In most states, a physician referral is not required for a physical therapist to treat a patient.

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Medicare rules

Medicare requires a signed plan of care for physical therapy. Your Luna therapist will create a plan of care during your first visit, and the Luna team will work with your doctor to get it approved. You will need a new plan of care established every 90 days or 10 visits whichever is sooner.

Call/Text 866-806-3599 Call/Text 866-806-3599 or Check Availability

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Thank you for visiting the Luna Physician Directory

This directory is based on public records of licensed providers across the United States. To claim your profile, please fill out the form below:

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Gregory Curtis | Physicians Near You in MA (45) Call/Text Us

Call Us 866-806-3599 Text Us 916-963-9219

Gregory Curtis | Physicians Near You in MA (2024)
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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Views: 6334

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (58 voted)

Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

Phone: +8524399971620

Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.